

发布人:   发布时间:2024-04-16 15:45:03


The performance requirements for ventilation ducts in industrial environments are usually more stringent, including but not limited to factors such as pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, airtightness, installation convenience, and service life. The use of arch plate air ducts in industrial ventilation systems has more advantages and applicability. They belong to special structural forms of ventilation ducts, which are made of galvanized steel plates, stainless steel plates, etc., processed by machines into continuous arch structures, and then spliced through specific connection methods. This construction method gives the duct significant mechanical performance advantages.


The structural differences with other air ducts allow arch plate air ducts to withstand higher pressure loads under the same material thickness, ensuring the stability and safety of the entire ventilation system during operation. Its common advantages include:


结构优势与承压性能 拱板风管采用连续拱形设计,这种结构能够有效分散内部气流压力,使其在同等材料厚度下具有更强的承压能力,适用于需要处理大量空气流量或存在较大负压差的复杂工业环境,比如化工厂、矿井通风、冶金车间以及电力设施中的冷却和排烟系统。

Structural advantages and pressure bearing performance: The arch plate air duct adopts a continuous arch design, which can effectively disperse the internal airflow pressure, making it have stronger pressure bearing capacity under the same material thickness. It is suitable for complex industrial environments that need to handle large air flow or have large negative pressure differences, such as cooling and smoke exhaust systems in chemical plants, mine ventilation, metallurgical workshops, and power facilities.

空间利用率与适应性 由于其独特的弧形构造,拱板风管可以更好地利用有限的空间资源,尤其适合于大型机械设备密集、空间布局复杂的工业厂房。其平滑的内壁减少了流动阻力,优化了风阻特性,降低了运行能耗,并且便于布置在不易触及的位置,如梁柱之间或狭小的空间通道中。

Space utilization and adaptability: Due to its unique curved structure, arch plate air ducts can better utilize limited space resources, especially suitable for industrial plants with dense mechanical equipment and complex spatial layout. Its smooth inner wall reduces flow resistance, optimizes wind resistance characteristics, reduces operating energy consumption, and is easy to arrange in inaccessible positions, such as between beams and columns or in narrow spatial channels.

施工效率与维护成本 拱板风管多采用工厂预制、现场拼接的方式进行安装,大大提高了施工速度,减少了现场焊接、打磨等工作量,同时降低了隐患和环境污染。此外,其高质量的连接工艺确保了风管系统的可靠性和耐用性,从而降低了长期使用过程中的维护和更换成本。

The construction efficiency and maintenance cost of arch plate air ducts are mostly installed through factory prefabrication and on-site splicing, greatly improving construction speed, reducing on-site welding, polishing and other workload, and reducing safety hazards and environmental pollution. In addition, its high-quality connection process ensures the reliability and durability of the air duct system, thereby reducing maintenance and replacement costs during long-term use.

防腐蚀与密封性 针对工业环境中可能出现的高温、潮湿、粉尘和化学腐蚀等情况,拱板风管可选用不锈钢或其他特殊防腐材质制造,并通过密封技术提高风管接口处的密封性能,防止有害物质渗漏及冷热能量损失。

Anti corrosion and sealing performance: In response to possible high temperature, humidity, dust, and chemical corrosion in industrial environments, arch plate air ducts can be made of stainless steel or other special anti-corrosion materials, and professional sealing technology can be used to improve the sealing performance at the duct interface, preventing harmful substance leakage and loss of cold and hot energy.

与 现代工业生产越来越注重绿色可持续发展,拱板风管因其的通风效能和良好的气流组织特点,有助于实现工业生产过程中热量回收、余热利用等功能,从而有利于提升整个系统的能效比,符合减排的要求。

Environmental protection and energy conservation are increasingly emphasized in modern industrial production for green and sustainable development. Arch plate air ducts, due to their efficient ventilation efficiency and good airflow organization characteristics, help to achieve functions such as heat recovery and waste heat utilization in industrial production processes, thereby improving the energy efficiency ratio of the entire system and meeting the requirements of energy conservation and emission reduction.


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