

发布人:   发布时间:2024-08-28 09:45:51


  The cleaning and maintenance cycle of ventilation ducts can be affected by various factors, generally speaking:


  1. 商业和公共场所的通风管道,如、办公楼、医院等,建议每 1 - 2 年清洗一次。

  1. Ventilation ducts in commercial and public places, such as shopping malls, office buildings, hospitals, etc., are recommended to be cleaned every 1-2 years.

  2. 工业场所,由于其环境可能较为恶劣,通风管道内易积累更多的污垢和污染物,清洗周期通常为半年到一年。

  2. Industrial sites, due to their potentially harsh environment, are prone to accumulate more dirt and pollutants in ventilation ducts, and the cleaning cycle is usually six months to one year.

  3. 对于居民住宅,如果通风系统使用频繁,且周边环境灰尘较大,可考虑 2 - 3 年清洗一次;若使用频率较低且环境较好,3 - 5 年清洗一次也可。

  For residential buildings, if the ventilation system is frequently used and the surrounding environment is dusty, it is recommended to clean it every 2-3 years; If the frequency of use is low and the environment is good, cleaning once every 3-5 years is also acceptable.


  However, the following situations may require a shorter cleaning and maintenance cycle:

  1. 通风系统所在区域有大量的灰尘、油烟或其他污染物产生。

  1. The area where the ventilation system is located generates a large amount of dust, oil fumes, or other pollutants.

  2. 通风系统出现明显的异味、风量减小或能耗增加等异常情况。

  2. Abnormal situations such as obvious odor, reduced air volume, or increased energy consumption in the ventilation system.


  Regular maintenance includes checking the sealing of pipelines, the tightness of connectors, and the operating condition of fans. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive maintenance inspection at least once a year.

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